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Dress Code

School uniforms are required of all Mayfield students.

Bottoms: Tan Khaki Shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, and pants. Bottoms must be fingertip length, with no frayed hems or holes.

Tops: Solid Light Blue or Gray Collared Shirts Collared or polo style shirts with or without the MFE logo, long or short sleeve. Spirit shirt may also be worn as a uniform shirt on Fridays.

Outerwear All outwear is allowed as long as it is not offensive. A uniform shirt must be worn under all hoodies and jackets at all times including MFE outwear. Unreasonably oversized pullover jackets and sweatshirts are not allowed. Sweatshirts and jackets with names and logos from other local schools will not be permitted. Hoods are not to be worn in the school building.

All hats, caps, bandanas, stocking caps, hoods, etc. are banned from the school campus during school hours. Please visit the St. Tammany Parish website for more information on dress code policies.

Please visit the St. Tammany Parish website for more information on school dress code policies.

Dresscode Violations:
1st offense- recorded in spreadsheet; parent contacted
2nd offense- student sent to office; parent contacted; ISS until change of clothes brought
3rd offense- student sent to office; 1 day ISS; parent contacted
4th offense- Administrative decision; ranging from multi day ISS to OSS

Refer to the STPPS District Handbook for the district dress code and uniform policy. Extremes in style and fit in student dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be permitted. Students are not permitted to wear Mohawks or hair that is colored in a manner that causes a distraction as determined by the school principal. School principals maintain the right to determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming and appropriateness and suitability for school wear. Sculptured hair styles, which include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc., will not be permitted.